Fabians Global

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FAB Service

FaB is different in many ways – We focus on the FaB concept of “AFB” – All FaBians Benefits – holistically – friendships for few, business for few others, knowledge sharing for some, opportunities for giving back to the community and much more.

FaB Business Verticals

These are the plethora of options given to FaBians for making additional revenue


  • Generate goodwill in communities where FaB operates or are likely to operate;
  • To support the activities/programs/ projects that benefit communities specially the areas like
    health care, education etc;
  • Encourage an increased commitment from FaBians towards CSR activities and volunteering.
    Thrust areas:
  • Education
    Promoting education, including special education and employment enhancing vocation skills especially among children, women, elderly and the differently abled and livelihood enhancement projects.
  • Health
    Promoting preventive health care and sanitation
  • Environment (In association with FaB Prakriti)
    Ensuring environmental sustainability, ecological balance, protection of flora and fauna,animal welfare, agro forestry, conservation of natural resources and
    maintaining quality of soil, air and water. Art & Culture (In association with FaB ARC)
    Protection of national heritage, art and culture , setting up small public libraries; promotion and development of traditional arts and handicrafts.
  • Development of welfare projects of the
    scheduled castes, the scheduled tribes, other backward classes, and women.

Focus on Sustainable Living, Eco-friendly Advice & Alteratives, Energy efficiency strategies Environmental supporting Lifestyle & Learning Resources for Individuals, Businesses, Organizations, and Everyone Else.
Ensuring environmental sustainability, ecological balance, protection of flora and fauna,animal welfare, agro forestry, conservation of natural resources and maintaining quality of soil, air and water.

FaB Smriti …..to be privileged
•Empowering underprivileged women
Welfare initiatives to improve quality of life by financial, physical help, etc
•Trainings & seminars to empower
•Initiate and assist programmes for community development women from poorer sections of the society.
•To open and maintain Library facility particularly for the poorer section of society for reading.


Promote holistic development of FaBians in MSME sector by providing support and set up a business ecosystem
Support FaBian MSMEs for scaling up their businesses in terms of technology and product quality
Provide advisory services to FaBian MSMEs for enhancing their business performance
Facilitate FaBian MSMEs access to newer markets — domestic & international — and enhance their visibility
Handhold and help FaBian MSMEs to avail benefits under various centre and state government schemes.
Provide facilitation support to all FaBian MSMEs to obtain all applicable business licences
Provide regular empowerment programmes for FaBian MSMEs .

Transcending beyond the knowledge of the classroom, FaB Scholars aims to provide quality information that can actually be useful in life and not just  be learnt for the marks on a piece of paper. The specific outcomes of FaB Scholars Thoughts are discussed below.
1. Overseas Certification courses 
2. Professional guidance 
3. Projects 
4. Seminars & Workshops 
5. Hands on training
6. To open Craft Training Centres & empower the youth to take up new initiatives

FaB Focus is a part of FaBians Global LLP which is a conglomerate with very experienced trainers pan India catering to different Corporates, Colleges, Schools , Govt organisations , PSUs etc offering them training & management solutions.
FaB Focus Trainers inspire, that’s just one of the qualities that come along with the title. Modern educators have the ability to empower participants to think critically, be innovative, creative, adaptable, passionate, and flexible. They empower them to be able to solve problems, self-direct, self-reflect, and lead. They give them the tools both digital and knowledgeable to succeed, not only in the training room but in life too.
Executive Education and Management Training programmes empower individuals and organizations to perform at their very best. In our consulting practice, we encounter many entrepreneurs with sound business ideas but need help to launch their businesses. There are also many who are in the first years of their business operations and can use a little support. We also deal with seasoned companies who want to maximize their employee’s talents and skills or do a complete overhaul of their business ideology. We have trained employees at all levels of companies providing comprehensive training, coaching, and business training services for organizations.

FaB Touch the FaB initiative is a sophisticated elderly care mechanism .FaB Touch focus on enriching elders’ lives through an engaging social community and activities that build upon each individual’s skills, knowledge and unique abilities. FaB Touch will arrange transportation to and from the FaB Touch centre, where social services like counseling and support groups for caregivers, and health support services such as blood pressure monitoring and vision screening, etc. FaB Touch will take care of those people who really spend all their lives to make us what we are today.

Of what use is knowledge if it isn’t shared with others? That is why at FaB, we work towards having industry experts share their profound knowledge gained through years and years of on the field experience. The major expectations of our FaB Mirror initiative are discussed in brief below:
1. Organizational changes and other important news
2. Product / service updates and developments
3. Innovation in the business Scenario 
4. Updates on current initiatives within the members’ business
5. “Did you know?” from subject matter experts
6. Achievements 
7. Chapter News 
8. Articles on relevant subjects

A vertical to support life sciences. To exchange ideas in healthcare, quality advice to FaBians on health by Doctors, wellness awareness by experts, holistic healthcare services, conducting seminars, continuing medical education programs, strategic alliances with hospitals for better healthcare, health tourism, and much much more.

To promote art & culture of our members , their immediate family like their spouse, children , brothers , sisters , etc , to involve into the heritage of our country. We will be doing it on our own & also with strategic alliance with other similar organisations in the same domain . We will be conducting workshops , seminars , fairs etc . We will also be identifying long lost art & culture & will revive & give exposure to the world.

FaB Aura – the FaB initiative on Facility Management, providing the right connect which will enable the community to undertake its everyday activities and functions and allows people to provide for their social, cultural and economic well-being, health and safety. FaB Aura aims at bringing the day to day utility services to your easy reach with utmost quality . This initiative is purely based on Chapter to Chapter & the local connect has to be made on PAN India guidelines.

FaB Velocity is the initiative from the house of FaB to bring the sportsman in you. FaB Velocity supports you in sports & games, and much more.

FaB Shaurya is FaB’s way of expressing our gratitude to the men & women who has sacrificed their happiness for our happiness – the service personnels . FaB Shaurya aims at helping & supporting our retired service personnels to get into employment & other welfare activities , to live a life they richly deserve.

FaB POSH is aimed at empowering women and standing together against any and all social harassment in society. We strongly believe in helping FaB and its members realize the following statements:
1. Supporting the organisations to form an Internal Committee (IC)
2. Drafting the Sexual Harassment Policy 
3. Providing External members for the IC. 
4. Training on Gender Diversity & POSH for IC Members, Leadership team & an awareness session for the employees.
5. Annual Report preparation. The entire gamut of the Gender Diversity & Posh Consultancy

Take your skills and passion for your hobbies & entertainment talent far beyond the your bedroom , boardroom, or your drawing board and share with audiences worldwide. FaB Vismaya will promote you & your skills across the globe. We will be uploading your carefully curated videos & beam it across.

FaB Accelerator will explore new approaches for mentoring entrepreneurs and learn what is viable and aims to develop a business mentoring model that will support entrepreneurs. FaB Accelerator is a relationship between mentors, individuals with experience, and mentees, individuals who are seeking help with their business and is both developmental and transformative.Through FaB Accelerator the mentee can grow personally and professionally and can experience the benefits of giving back to their community and helping another person grow and succeed.

FFV is your financial strategist to offer you the most appropriate and right advice tailored to your specific requirements. FFV is committed to deliver a high standard of service which demonstrates our FaBian culture of professionalism, dedication and integrity. FFV offers customised financial planning & wealth management service, developing bespoke solutions to build, grow and protect your assets.

For children from the age of 10 to 21 years

To instill Civic Sense and responsibility, involvement in the society and develop a sense of belonging , opportunity to know more people and make good friendships and connections , learn soft skills to understand them and others better , etc

Young people are busy working out who they are and where they fit in this world. Being involved in society activities can help them understand who they are.
By getting involved with society activities, these youngsters can come into contact with like-minded peers and positive adult role models other than their parents. Interacting and cooperating with other adults and peers in the society encourages them to see the world in different ways. It also helps them see how to put values or beliefs into action for the good of others. Being involved in positive society activities can also reduce the likelihood of substance abuse, mental illness and even criminal activity. Being able to manage free time while balancing leisure, work and study is an important life skill. Being part of society activities could motivate the child to get more organised and start to manage their own time. FaB Sanskar is to help your children learn Life Skills which will make them a better human being

Club is for photography enthusiasts. FSC will be conducting Exhibitions, Competitions,Workshops,etc

 Spirituality is a broad concept with room for many perspectives.FaB Nirvana helps you to a sense of connection which is something bigger than ourselves, and it typically involves a search for meaning in life. As such, it is a universal human experience. FaB Nirvana makes you understand a spiritual experience as sacred or transcendent or simply a deep sense of aliveness and interconnectedness.

It is for Car/Bike Riding enthusiasts. FRC will be conducting Rallies, Dirt Track Competitions , Empowering  Workshops, etc

For those FaBians who are interested in the field of Astrology . A growing number of people,are turning to astrology to help them judge relationship compatibility, understand friendship dynamics and make life decisions. It can help you understand how and why you do things and how to harness the best aspects of your personality for self-improvement. As well as helping you understand yourself better, it can also help you understand others which can lead to improved communication with friends and family.

GeN NxT is a completely different approach from anything we’ve done before, to empower and bring up children along a great path, right from their childhood. Made for children between  8-25 years of age, FaB GeN NxT has clearly defined goals:

Give the youth tools to collaborate and problem solve, brainstorm and reflect
Providing youth with the information and resources necessary for analyzing issues that affect their lives and environments will help them become strong strategizers on ways to act as change agents in their communities.
Become involved with FaB Prakriti initiatives
It’s time for each of us to support the next generation to take direct actions for green initiatives , climate solutions etc starting in their own communities. This project needs attention and support to bring it to life where FaB Prakriti will play a major role

Empowerment talks by eminent speakers – the true focus of FaB Talks is key learning that can be applied in your personal & professional empowerment.
FaB Talks aim to initiate thought provoking , creative & innovative ideas to the listeners.

A book discussion forum from FaB where FaBian readers can come together and talk about books and the reading experience./A virtual Forum and meets once in a month and the goal of this forum is to encourage home reading experiences/We will amplify interest in the book, fuel discussions & gave reviews about what we’re reading

FaBian Business Conclave is an intensive opportunity that will impart knowledge, real-life experiences and give you the tools to grow your business. FaBian Conclave is specifically designed to inspire, motivate and help you take the necessary steps that will give you an edge over the competition. FaBian Conclave has been curated in a manner that will help you reignite your purpose, passion and gives you a sense of clarity to catapult your business.

Fab Mirror

Monthly Fab Magazine.

Fab Mirror Feb
Fab Mirror Mar
Fab Mirror April